Sunday, March 18, 2007

So while I was busy reading horrendous book reviews by a bunch of freshman, the Nuggets went out and did something worthwhile. Well, okay, they did one thing worthwhile - against the Suns. The Lakers were so rusty and beat up that the Nuggets should have won. . .which they did. Excitement abounds.

Chaperoning a high school dance is sort of like that scene in A Million Little Pieces where the drug addict gets a root canal without any novacaine. And there I was, not really grinning and hardly bearing it when I pulled out my cell phone to check the time and my messages. And low and behold, I received the best Nuggets news since hearing that Kenyon was out for the season. The Nuggets were beating on the Suns. No, beating implies that the Suns were actually putting up a fight. Apparently the Nuggets were dismantling the Suns piece by piece and building up a lead that was at one time 38 points. Wow! Not only did the news appear ridiculous and absurd, it was completely unbelievable. This is the team that can't beat Golden State, but here they were demolishing the second best team in the league. Wow! Within minutes of hearing the score, I jumped out onto the dance floor and did a happy little Irish jig in honor of St. Patty's day and the impending miracle of the Nuggets beating the Suns in Phoenix. Eat your heart out Bob Fosse.

Perhaps George Karl, the non-coaching coach, hit his head on the bathtub and actually did some coaching. Perhaps the superstar duo figured out a way to do what they do best - score and make their teammates better. Perhaps nothing so strange and magnificent happened, and the Nuggets figured out just how good they have the potential to be. There's some excitement brewing in D-Town, and strangely it has to do with the Nuggets' on-court success. Wow!


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